Mini Mars Rover Group Project

Goal: Design a "mini-mars rover" that could do the following:

  • Follow a black line

  • Navigate through a canyon with no black line

  • Collect a certain colored ping pong ball and place in proper designation

  • Detect IR emitter and hit to simulate servicing

  • Detect IR emitter at the end of the course and shoot a laser on the target

Microprocessor: Microchip's PIC24F16KA301

Hardware: Stepper motors, servo motors, IR proximity sensor, QRD1114 sensors, Sharp IR sensor, IR photo-LED, op-amp, MOSFET, simple laser, Stepper motor driver boards

Group Members: Wade Meservy, Sadie Mcginn, Laura Bohme

My role: I was in charge of all the hardware on our mars rover. Making sure everything was placed strategically and functioned. This included planning for where the wires would go, each sensor, and the motors. I was also making sure the structure of the rover was sound and met requirements.

Light Following Robot

Goal: Design a robot that would follow my phone flashlight.

Microprocessor: Arduino Uno

Hardware: DC Motors, H-Bridge, Photo-LED's, Op-amp, MOSFET, IR-Proximity sensors, servo motor